Monday, November 10, 2008

did i really say this about payday loans in arizona

it is SO like Arizona to figure out how to get the lobbyist to pay for them to support payday loans, but the the poor are taxed every week, week end and week out, i wish we'd forget about gays in this state and take care of the legal poor and kick out the illegal thieves. if they were not here they would not need medical care......
this republican legislatures only takes care of their friends that hire illegals and take the money back weekly, 16 tons and what do you get another day later an another illegal or meth users in debt.
that's how I see it get thoses legislators in the real world.

Friday, May 2, 2008

if I had time I would post more but who knows Rodalee

I have not posted and will not post frequently, but thinking about that is difficult. I think about the past this bisbee thing, but love, truly love this now, it is difficult because there is so much concern about the future, but the now is good. It all comes down to storage.

And then, so many friends and parents of friends have died lately. It is not that confusing.
But what is, is how to honor them, the network is not so good, I can not tell children of friends how much I loved and honored them. I have not heard quickly...

may never know, i will hold it lightly,

and then this death thing, or this cycle of live thing is even more confusing.
I want the life to win

and win

and win again

Friday, April 11, 2008


are lobbyist Union organizers for companies, while they fight unions for workers? any replies?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

at church I realized

I am a neo-Lennonest philosophically.

A Buddhist emotionally.

A Christian because I know I have sinned.

An Agnostic when I think upon human capability.


I am a optimist as I must be to bare it all.

Monday, February 4, 2008

i am liberal and proud

This was the article in the az daily star:

Illegal immigrants leaving AZ, Oklahoma; going to Texas
Associated Press
Tucson, Arizona Published: 02.04.2008

HOUSTON — Illegal immigrants are coming into Texas, but not from where one might think.
The rush is coming from Arizona, Oklahoma and other states — places that have recently passed tough new anti-illegal immigrant laws.
The two toughest measures are in Arizona and Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma statute, which took effect in November, makes it a crime to transport, harbor or hire illegal immigrants. Effective Jan. 1, the Arizona law suspends the business license of employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers. On a second offense, the license is revoked.
Anecdotal information seems to indicate that illegal immigrants are leaving these states in growing numbers.
"They're really tightening the screws," said Mario Ortiz, an undocumented Mexican worker who came to Houston after leaving Phoenix last year. "There have been a lot coming — it could be 100 a day."
In Tulsa, Okla., the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has estimated that 15,000 to 25,000 illegal immigrants have left the area. One builder estimated that 30 percent of the Hispanic work force left Tulsa.
"There's been a tremendous impact in Oklahoma City," said David Castillo, the executive director of the Greater Oklahoma City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. "We've had several companies close shop and leave the state. Banks have called us and say they're closing 30 accounts per week."
Enrique Hubbard, Mexico's consul general in Dallas, said a dozen Mexican families from Oklahoma have applied for consular documents listing their new homes in the Dallas area. He expects more to arrive because jobs are available in north Texas.
Texas' reputation as a welcoming destination has experts predicting more immigrants will come to Houston and other cities in the state. Texas has not passed any statewide law targeting the employment of undocumented workers.
"Texas is still very much an entrepreneurial place, where you can find your place in this economy," said James Hollifield, a Southern Methodist University professor and migration expert. "It's not an immigrant's paradise, but if you work hard and keep your head down you can get ahead."
Ortiz, a native of southern Mexican state of Tabasco, said he left Phoenix eight months ago working 60 to 70 hours a week as a nursery worker. While now he can only pick up two to three days a week of yardwork and barely earns enough to send back to his family, he prefers to be in Texas.
"Here, they let you work. Over there, they won't. There is a lot of racism, but here there isn't — it's better," Ortiz said of Houston.

Here was number 4's commit:

4. Comment by jim p. (cogent) — February 4,2008 @ 5:48AM
Ratings: -29 +104
GOOD! The law is working!!! Racism. Anytime you disagree with a liberal, you are a racist. haha. Who cares.

Here was my reply:
35. Comment by Rude S. (W Dejavu) — February 4,2008 @ 7:49AM
Ratings: -7 +30
number 4 you are confusing liberal with humanitarian or such, as a liberal I don't like NAFTA, illegal entry, or conservative agenda's that take away the constitution's meaning. But let's not go there. We'd have to discuss why Bush is the conservatives leader currently. (Oh and let's not forget Karl Rove). Texas deserves the new population. Let's hope Bush can employee them all when he returns too.

The ratio is fine...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

jury duty

I went for my one day or one trial assignment today.

For me it was grand,,,why?

not because I was not picked but because I would have been fine with being picked.

I walked form 1010 e 10th to the court house on congress, I took many pictures, checked in early.. listened to the orientation, and waited, I was picked for a car thief jury, but many questions occurred that made me think about all the times my cars had been stolen or broken into, and it upset me. And if the police take you to trial, you must have so many other deals happening that the car thief is minor, put them all in jail///////.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


so many things happens, and time has passed,
I;ll try to write here more often, with opinion,,,,,
