Thursday, August 23, 2007

letter in the paper from an instructor azstarnet, 8/22/2007

Don't forget about the people
Re: the Aug. 16 article "First Magnus halts loans."
I cried Thursday. My friends, a family member and business partners all lost their jobs. I've read all the other comments made on this subject, and want to remind the public that this isn't about subprime lending, greed or bad business practices. This is about the loss of jobs and the families that are being affected.
We need to remember that these are real people in our community who contribute to the purchase of goods and services. Has anyone considered the supplier who delivered the massive amounts of paper to First Magnus, or the copier technicians who were kept busy fixing the massive numbers of machines? What about the office cleaning staff who came in nightly to make sure the offices were presentable in the morning?
Everyone is trying to place blame. How about saying a prayer for all the families who have been touched by this tragedy?
Pat Leahy
Associate broker, Tucson

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