Tuesday, January 13, 2009

reloaded, don't fear

First, I hate labels but after today, so close, so far away, I wrote the "'s.

"after going out in the public because I like to think of myself as retired but I work.
I realized that age recrimination is a big deal, and the poor look poorer,
and the only good deals come from all kinds of people selling tacos.
I hope the Pima county health department isn't being cut

I am ready for a real reset, reload.
Reagan was a reload, Clinton was a reload, in the past,
Truman was a strong reload, both Roosevelt's were reloads with processor upgrades...
I am ready for turbo....

as to Fitz Arizona is still using an abacus."

This concerned a Fitz cartoon of the Arizona state budget,
where the state was selling pricklie pears, next to the street
person selling apples.

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